Eye Cancer - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Eye cancer is a disease that occurs due to the cells in the eye tissue grow uncontrollably and its growth can be spread to other areas.
At the time it grows and spreads, the cancer cells can damage normal cells around it. Eye cancer can occur in three main parts, namely:
- Eyeball (globe). Part of the eyeball consisting of various tissues and fluids that make up the sensory system vision. Three layers of tissue that make up the eyeballs are:
- Sclera, is the white, the loudest, and the farthest. On the front of the eye, there is a clear colored sclera called the cornea of the eye.
- The retina is the innermost part of the eye which is composed of nerve cells that are sensitive to light.
- Uvea is the eyeball between the retina and sclera. Uvea consists of iris that gives color to the eye and forms the pupils, the choroid which serves to provide nutrition for eyes and pigment-producing cells also contain (melanocytes), as well as the ciliary agency set the lens of the eye.
- Orbita. The orbit of the eye is a range that surrounds the eyeball tissue, including muscles, control the movement of the eyeball.
- Eye accessories. Parts accessories or additional parts are adneksa on the eye as the eyebrows, tear gland, conjunctiva, eyelids, and eyelashes.
Eye cancer can begin from the eye or other organs of cancer cells spread to the parts of the eye. Cancer of the eye that comes from a part of the eye called the primary cancer of the eye. While cancer of the eye that originated in other organs is called secondary cancer of the eye. Eye cancer is a rare disease.
Types Of Eye Cancer
Based on the type of network, cancer of the eye can be divided into:
- Intraocular Melanoma. This type of cancer is melanoma that occurs on the network of the eyeball. Intraocular Melanoma is a type of eye cancer most frequently occurs, but still rare compared with the skin cancer melanoma. Cancer types of melanoma occur in pigment-producing cells or melanocytes located in tissues of the uvea. The choroid is the site of a growing tumor that is most often. In addition to the choroid, intraocular melanoma first can be detected on the network. Melanoma is cancer on the iris grows slowly and rarely spreads to other organs.
- Intraocular Lymphoma. Called intraocular Lymphoma, because this cancer occurs in cells in the lymph nodes in the eye. Intraocular Lymphoma that arises often included the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Most of the intraocular Lymphoma sufferers have problems on his immune system, for example, is suffering from AIDS. Intraocular Lymphoma also frequently appeared together with the lymphoma in central nervous systems called primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL).
- Retinoblastoma. Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye that specifically attack the children. Arising out of the occurrence of the retinoblastoma gen mutation on the retina causing retinal cells to divide rapidly and spreads to the eyes and other body parts. Retinoblastoma can occur in one or both eyes. If it happens on the second eye, retinoblastoma can be detected even before the age of 1 year. If detected early, retinoblastoma can be treated very well and has a high cure rate. In addition to retinoblastoma, medulloepithelioma a cancer of the eye is the second most often on eyeballs, although very rare.
In addition to these three types of eye cancer that occurs in the eyeball, eye cancer can also occur in orbita and adneksa eyes. Some types of cancer in the eye adneksa and orbita network include:
- Cancer of the eyelids. Is a variant of skin cancer. Maybe a Basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.
- Cancer orbita. Cancer that occurs in the muscles of the eyeball movers and connective tissue surrounding eyeball (rhabdomyosarcoma).
- Melanoma of the conjunctiva. Conjunctiva is a membrane that lines the eyelids and eyeballs. Conjunctiva melanoma looks like a black stain on the eyes.
- Tumors of the pituitary gland.
Eye Cancer Symptoms
Eye cancer symptoms vary, depending on the type of cancer suffered. Some of the symptoms that can occur in the eye cancer, among others are:
- There is a dark spot on the iris. These dark spots appear on melanoma of the iris and can be seen in spy inspection routine.
- Experience the sight impaired.
- The range and fields of view
- Viewed objects like fluttering (floaters), stripes, or spots.
- See flashing-flashing lights.
These symptoms can also arise due to other diseases, other than cancer of the eye. And sometimes eye cancer, intraocular melanoma in particular, do not show symptoms. Intraocular Melanoma is often first detected upon examination of the eye. Because the eye cancer symptoms are not specific, then it is highly recommended to undergo the procedure for diagnosis if it is reasonably experienced any of these symptoms.
Retinoblastoma symptoms more specific than other types of eye cancer. Even so, the symptoms of retinoblastoma are often too hard to be known so that need further examination. Some symptoms of retinoblastoma among others are:
- Eyed squint.
- Change the color of the iris of the eye.
- The vision is less good.
- Red eyes and experiencing inflammation.
- Appeared the reflection is white in the pupil of the eye, which can be seen at the moment was photographed in a dark room. A reasonable pupil reflection at the time photographed usually red.
Cause Of Eye Cancer
Cause of eye cancer that is known so far is due to gene mutation on the network, particularly genes that regulate cell growth. in normal conditions, the cell will divide regularly and periodically to replace cells that are already damaged. To prevent the cells from not splitting wild and uncontrolled, there are genes that regulate the cell when to start and stop splitting.
Eye cancer is caused by changes to the DNA in a gene that regulates cell division network. Changes of DNA in the gene that causes cell division regulator gene does not function, so the eye cells divide without control. However, until now the cause DNA mutations in these genes is still unknown.
A person is more easily affected by intraocular melanoma if:
- Fair skinned.
- Have eye color brighter, such as blue or green, than people with dark eyes.
- Have the disorders or a history of certain disorders, such as having many moles (dysplastic nevus syndrome) or black spots on the eyes (nevus of Ota)
- Have a family with a history of intraocular melanoma.
Some researchers suspect an of other factors, such as exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet light, which also lead to the occurrence of melanoma on the skin. Some types of work are also thought can increase the risk of a person affected by melanoma, such as welders, fishermen, farmers, or work related to dangerous chemicals.
Specifically for retinoblastoma, is currently not yet known for certain things that can cause a person to suffer the disease easier. While the intraocular Lymphoma, it is easier to occur in people who suffer from HIV/AIDS or undergoing immunosuppressive treatment after organ grafts.
Diagnosis Of Eye Cancer
Examination and diagnosis of eye cancer symptoms are very important so that cancer can be detected early on. Most major diagnostic methods to detect cancer of the eye is an eye examination. An eye examination can be carried out with the help of tools, like ophthalmoscopy and gonioscopy lenses. The patient checked related:
- The symptoms experienced, including the history of the emergence of symptoms of eye cancer.
- Vision eyes.
- The movement of the eyeballs.
- The blood vessels of the eye, to check for dilation of the blood vessels in the eye.
- Vitreous humor, an i.e. clear liquid such as jelly in the eyeball. If an intraocular Lymphoma, usually the vitreous humor would become murky.
Intraocular lymphoma is often about both eyes. However, in certain cases can also only occur in one eye. Intraocular melanoma early can be known only through an examination of the eye. In order for more accurate test results as well as the known rate of growth and spread of cancer, patients can undergo such a proponent of examination:
- Scanning. Scanning such as Ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI works to find out the location and size of the cancer cells. Scanning can also be done to the other organs, in addition to the eye, to detect the spread of cancer to other organs, such as chest x-rays, an ultrasound of the heart, or PET Scan.
- Biopsy. A biopsy is done by taking a sample of the alleged spy network suffered cancer and examined under a microscope. A biopsy is rarely performed as a method of diagnosis, unless absolutely necessary because it is difficult to take tissue samples without causing eye damage.
- Puncture Lumbar Test (lumbar puncture). Puncture lumbar aims to detect whether intraocular Lymphoma cancer had already spread to the brain or spinal cord. The test is done by taking the cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal area.
Treatment Of Eye Cancer
Some of the methods that can be done to treat eye cancer, among others are:
- Surgery. Surgery is commonly used to treat intraocular melanoma, intraocular lymphoma is not for. The type of surgery performed depends on the location and size of the cancerous tissue. Patients are typically given anesthesia total at the time of surgery. Specifically, the types of surgery that can be performed to treat cancer are:
- Iridectomy. The lifting part of the iris of the eye to treat melanoma of the iris are small.
- Iridotrabulectomy. The lifting part of the iris with a bit of the outside of the eyeball to treat melanoma on iris.
- Iridosicletomy. The lifting part of the iris with some agency ciliary to treat melanoma of the iris.
- Transkleral resection. Raised cancer melanoma that occurs in the choroid or agency action is at risk of causing disturbances of vision.
- Enukleasi. Lift the entire eyeball. This procedure is usually performed to treat a large melanoma or melanoma that is smaller in patients who've lost vision entirely. Enukleasi can also be done on child sufferers of retinoblastoma tumor if retinoblastoma already is large or if the child has already lost his sight. Instead, the child may be given fake eyeballs in lieu of the eyeball to be appointed.
- Radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is a treatment that is carried out by firing a high energy x-ray at the cancerous tissue. The advantages of radiotherapy versus surgery are the risk of loss or damage to the eyeball and the loss of vision may be reduced. Two types of radiotherapy that can be given are:
- Brakiterapi. Brakiterapi is done by inserting a small radioactive plate in the area around the eyes close to the cancerous tissue. The plates will emit radiation with a narrow spectrum for several days, before being lifted. This plate designed specifically to minimize damage to healthy tissue around cancer. Brakiterapi can be used to treat melanoma or retinoblastoma.
- External radiotherapy. On external radiotherapy, an x-ray will be fired from outside the patient's body that is focused into the eye. This method can be used on the patient's intraocular Lymphoma sufferers or retinoblastoma. External radiotherapy is at risk of damaging other healthy tissue around cancer and lead to cataracts, glaucoma, eye hemorrhage, and retinal ablation.
- Laser therapy. Laser therapy serves to destroy cancerous tissue using a laser beam. Laser therapy is usually used on the patient's intraocular melanoma and retinoblastoma sufferers are small, but not recommended on intraocular Lymphoma sufferers.
- Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a treatment method of cancer of the eye using chemical drugs. Chemotherapy can be injected directly into the eye (intraocular), into the cerebrospinal fluid (intrathecal), or through the bloodstream given systemically (intravenously). Chemotherapy can be given to sufferers of retinoblastoma or intraocular Lymphoma.
- Cryotherapy. This is a method of treatment of cancer by means of freeze cancerous tissue. Cryotherapy can be given to sufferers of the retinoblastoma patients still are small.
Prevention Of Eye Cancer
Some of the precautions that can be performed are:
- It is advisable to avoid exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays by wearing UV-protected sunglasses when the Sun is shining, although the relationship between sunlight with melanoma in the eye is not yet clear.
- To prevent the intraocular lymphoma is to prevent HIV infection, which is a risk factor for intraocular Lymphoma triggers.
- Inspection of the filter (screening) for children who have a history of retinoblastoma in the family is the best prevention for retinoblastoma, given the very early discovery determines the success of treatment.