
Liver Cancer and How Prevent This Disease

Liver cancer is cancer that originated from the organ of the heart or liver. There are two classifications of this disease liver cancer based on the location of growth or its spread (metastases), namely primary and secondary liver cancer. The primary liver is cancer that begins in the liver and organs including a potentially fatal type of cancer. Secondary cancer originated from other parts of the body and then spread and grow in the organ of the heart.

One of the most common is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)/hepatoma which is primary cancer which developed from primary liver cells called hepatocytes. HCC occurs in approximately 75% of the overall primary liver cancer. This cancer can be a complication of the disease hepatitis (inflammation of the liver organ) and the condition of cirrhosis (normal liver tissue is replaced by scarring).

Secondary liver cancer is generally named according to the location of origin of the organ the cancer cells early developing colon cancer metastasis, such as, which starts in the colon then spread to the liver. Secondary liver cancer is more common than primary liver cancer. In addition to the spread of cancer in the colon, as well as much secondary liver cancer comes from the spread of breast cancer, lung, ovarian, stomach, pancreas, and skin (melanoma).

A lot Happens in Developing Countries

In the world, this disease is the fifth most common cancer among men and the ninth among women. This cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide, after lung cancer.

About 83 percent of liver cancer cases in the world occurred in countries that are still developing. The cause of the high liver cancer cases in countries that are still developing is the high hepatitis B and C cases in those countries. Whereas in countries which are already advanced as countries in Europe, the major cause of liver cancer is a high alcohol intake and obesity are increasing.

An Important Function Of Liver Organ

With hundreds of functions that are executed, the liver becomes one of the most complex organs in the human body. Liver cancer is categorized as a serious disease due to hampering the functions of the liver, even completely stop it. The following are some of the most important functions of the liver:

  • Eliminate toxins from the body
  • Digest proteins and fats
  • Producing liquid destroyer of fats (bile) that helps the digestion
  • Help control blood clotting

Prevention Of Liver Cancer

The growth of liver cancer can be prevented. The main key is to a healthy lifestyle and the discipline in maintaining health. Preventive measures of liver cancer include:

  • Avoid yourself from factors of liver cancer risk factors such as hepatitis C and hepatitis B.
  • Healthy eating patterns.
  • Avoid yourself from obesity with regular exercise.
  • Limit the consumption of liquor.
  • Do health checks on a regular basis especially early detection or screening for cancer. Especially in people with hepatitis B or C, cirrhosis of the liver, primary biliary cirrhosis, and people who have a history of cancer of the liver or other liver diseases in the family.

Hepatitis B Vaccine

You can avoid the risk of hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis B vaccine has become a part of compulsory immunization is taken when the baby is born and at the age of two, four, and six months. Nevertheless, adults at any age should receive this vaccine.

Hepatitis B vaccine is also recommended for high-risk groups of people as follows:

  • People with chronic kidney failure and chronic liver disease.
  • People who frequently change sexual partners.
  • Medical officials and patients users of injection drugs.
  • Immediate family of the person with chronic hepatitis B.
  • People who received blood donation at regular intervals.
  • Inmates and correctional officers.

Reduce the risk of transmission of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus is usually contracted through the blood of an infected person to another. This causes hepatitis C generally occur among narcotics users, especially those who share drug usage tools like a needle in vain. Here are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of:

  • Avoid using personal items together. Avoid the exchange of blood-contaminated objects others like earrings, Shaver or toothbrush.
  • Contraceptives are advised to use condoms during sex since hepatitis C can also be transmitted through body fluids such as semen.

It would be better if you are more wary of assuming that anyone might have been infected with hepatitis C. Hepatitis C sufferers own Many did not realize that he contracted the disease, so they don't keep yourself. This can be caused because hepatitis C can appear without the accompaniment symptom means in years.

Limit or avoid consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

If you are consuming the liquor, we recommend that you do not exceed the limits of consumption per day. Alcohol consumption was 3-4 units a day for men and 2-3 units a day for women. One unit of alcohol is equivalent to approximately 284 ml light beer with the normal-strong, half a glass of wine (87.5 ml), or 25 ml of beverages containing ethanol is produced from the fermentation of high (spirit). Even so, the decision to stop consuming liquor is the recommended measures are most effective in reducing the risk of the development of liver cancer.

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